22 Kilometers with 22 Kilograms for the 22 Veteran Suicides a day – in combat boots, a ruck, and Silkies.

About this Event


The Irreverent Warriors Silkies hikes are a series of events across the nation designed to PREVENT veteran suicide by bringing veterans together using humor and camaraderie to heal the mental wounds of war through therapeutic events and entertainment.

Irreverent Warriors is PREVENTING veteran suicide through the use of unconventional therapy. Veterans are different, and therefore use different methods of coping. In the face of tragedy, a veteran is more likely to use humor as a coping mechanism than anything else. Civilians are not allowed to hike but are welcome to volunteer and/or meet us at the stops along the way!!!

The mission of the Silkies Hike is to bring veterans together with laughter and camaraderie, to provide a day of therapy. These hikes support and spread our bottom line: “put the gun back on safe, put it back on the nightstand, and stick around a bit longer.”


This Code of Conduct is an understanding between hike participants and Irreverent Warriors leadership on how to conduct themselves during Irreverent Warriors events. The mission of Irreverent Warriors is to bring veterans together using humor and camaraderie to heal the mental wounds of war, through therapeutic events and entertainment. Our vision is to provide ALL veterans with a strong veteran based support network, reduce the impact of PTS, and eliminate veteran suicide. We provide a sense of community for veterans that is unique to a new generation of veterans. Our programs are events that bring veterans together in large quantities, more so than any other organization – using veteran friendly methods of coping: humor and camaraderie. When veterans come together at our events we give them an opportunity to connect, bond, love, and support each other. The connections and bonds made at our events allow veterans to create their own support network. The support that we give each other makes us less likely to commit suicide.

We also partner with veteran organizations who provide other services to veterans; services such as jobs, training, money, housing, service dogs, and more. The mental and spiritual support that we give each other, combined with the introduction of other services, gives veterans the help and hope they need to stop considering suicide. We want everyone who attends our hikes to have a safe, enjoyable bonding experience. This code of conduct is to ensure the safety of all participants and will be enforced by hike coordinators and their delegates. Any violation of this policy will be met with immediate dismissal from the event.

1. Community Presence

We are guests of the communities we hike through. We will conduct ourselves in a respectful manner to those that live in these communities. We will obey the laws of the communities we are hiking through. We will not negatively engage with protesters, groups, or individuals along the hike route. We explain to people who we are, what we are, and why we are there. If someone outside our group escalates a conversation, please notify a hike coordinator or designated staff and walk away. Do not be baited into debates. We should contribute to the community, not take away. Make it cleaner, shake hands, kiss babies; make the community feel good about us, our mission, and our presence there.

2. Behavior

All hike participants will show other attendees respect in respect to race, gender, sexuality, rank, branch, and personal beliefs. We respect the human rights and the dignity of all participants and treat them fairly. Inappropriate touching, grabbing, and unwanted fondling will be met with immediate dismissal from the hike and reviewed for further action. We understand there is a common bond among service members and that touching is usually acceptable behavior. Know the boundaries of participants and remember that “no” means no.

3. Public Intoxication

We strongly prohibit public consumption and public intoxication. We understand that attendees are consenting adults and are free to indulge in the benefits of being an adult but at no time will we allow patrons of the events to become intoxicated to the point where they are a danger to themselves or others. Police yourself and others. Public drunkenness will distort our message to the community and exacerbates the stereotypes of veterans. We are ambassadors of Irreverent Warriors, our mission, and veterans all over. These are not glorified bar crawls. We have a mission to accomplish. Enjoy the day responsibly.

4. Flag Policy and Political Statements

American flags, branch flags, and patriotic flags such as the Gadsden, Come and Take It. Honor and Remember, Thin Blue/Red Line, and other similar flags are the only flags at the events. Political flags, banners, signs or statements are prohibited at the events. The events are to prevent veteran suicide not about making a social or political statement. We have a multitude of people that are attending these hikes and they may not share the same political views as you or others. Bar Rules basically. No politics or religion. We’re here to have a good time.

5. Unacceptable Behavior

Unacceptable behaviors include: intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory, or demeaning conduct by any attendee of the event or related event activities. Many event venues are shared with members of the public; please be respectful to all patrons of these locations. Sexual harassment and harassment of any type has a zero tolerance policy. No exceptions. Physical violence towards fellow attendees or members of the public of any type has a zero tolerance policy. Weapons are not permitted at the hikes. Even if you have a concealed carry permit, leave it at home. Pocket knives are permissible according to local law enforcement guidelines. Any destruction or vandalizing of personal property, public property, or any other property has a zero tolerance policy. Possession or consumption of illegal drugs has a zero tolerance policy. Medical prescriptions are to be consumed in authorized areas only. Disturbing the peace, committing any unlawful act or any other illegal activity not stated above is subject to removal from the hike and further actions by law enforcement at the discretion of the hike coordinators.

6. Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior

Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated whether by an attendee, media, speaker, volunteer, organizer, venue staff, partner, sponsor, or exhibitor. Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately. If a participant engages in unacceptable behavior, the event organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, up to and including expulsion from the event without warning, future events and if appropriate, involvement of local law enforcement.

7. Incident Reporting

If you are subjected to unacceptable behavior, notice that someone else is being subjected to unacceptable behavior, or have any other concerns, please notify an event organizer as soon as possible. You may request that your report remain completely confidential. Event staff will be available to help participants contact venue security or local law enforcement, to provide escorts, or to otherwise assist those experiencing unacceptable behavior to feel safe for the duration of the event. If additional action is necessary or if you would like to bypass the local leadership and/or remain anonymous contact Colleen@irreverentwarriors.com

8. Scope

We expect all event participants (staff, sponsors, volunteers, speakers, attendees, and other guests) to abide by this Code of Conduct at all event venues and event-related social events.

Hike coordinators and staff have the final say in all decisions concerning the safety and conduct of event attendees. Please be respectful of their decisions.