Harbottle Brewing


We are gearing up for the 2nd annual SMaShed In The Desert Beer Festival! In celebration of Harbottle Brewing’s anniversary, join us for a friendly beer competition on February 5th, 2022!

Harbottle,1912, Copper Mine, Dillinger, Button, Ranch Hand, Borderlands, and Firetruck all compete in randomly chosen teams for the ultimate SMaSH (Single Hop and Single Malt) beer. All breweries must only use one hop and one malt, Vienna malt and Mosaic hops, to craft their unique brews. Additional adjuncts may be used to add a little twist to the beer. You get to be the judge and choose the winner in a 100% blind taste test.

2022’s Single Malt and Single Hop picks of the year: Vienna Malt & Mosaic Hops.

Your tickets grants you 1, 5oz. taste of each of these awesome beers, as well as a 16oz pour of your favorite brew and a custom pint glass.

Hope to see you there y’all!