Spring Bouquet


Join us at 1912 Brewing Co to welcome one of Tucson’s best florists, Bloom Maven on March 23rd, at 1pm!

Create your own spring bouquet with the guidance of a Bloom Maven designer while enjoying a 1912 Brew or two! All flowers and stems will be provided for you. Invite a friend, a family member, and a loved one to build alongside each other.

Tickets ($75) include all your supplies to fashion your very own bouquet and (1) 1912 glass of Beer, Mead, or Wine! You can purchase tickets online at www.1912brewing.com/order-online!


💐 Learn more about Bloom Maven – @BloomMaven | Bloommaven.com | 160 S. Avenida del Convento Tucson, AZ

🍺 Event is hosted at 1912 Brewing Co | 2045 N Forbes Blvd STE 105, Tucson, AZ | 1912brewing.com | @1912Brewing | #1912Brewing | Taproom Hours – Saturday 12-8pm| Bloom and Brews 1pm